Frequently Asked Questions

1. What kind of errors are corrected?

  • incorrect punctuation (commas, semicolons, colons, and dashes, etc.)
  • misused articles and prepositions
  • mistaking one word for another (envelope/envelop, affect/effect, stationary/stationery, etc.). Spell-checking won't find these.
  • confusing "then" and "than," "its" and "it's," and "lay" and "lie"
  • run-on sentences or fragments

2. Are there different levels of editing?

Generally, the editing process is done at the appropriate level for your paper, either light, medium, or heavy (or proofreading and formatting only).

Light editing:

  • correcting spelling, grammar, and punctuation
  • correcting confusion in tenses
  • eliminating redundancies
  • substituting words that more accurately convey your intended meaning
  • avoiding sexism, racism, or other pejorative language
  • correcting headings, tables, figures, and lists
  • creating a Table of Contents

Medium editing:

  • correcting spelling, usage, grammar, punctuation, and style
  • correcting faulty parallelism, misused pronouns, etc.
  • correcting usage errors, subject/verb agreement, misused prepositions, dangling participles, misplaced modifiers, etc.
  • maintaining consistent abbreviations, etc.
  • clarifying ambiguities
  • replacing jargon and cliches
  • noting inconsistencies in the writing voice or point of view
  • identifying inconsistencies in facts and details
  • revising or cutting to meet length requirements

Heavy editing:

  • reviewing the flow and organization of text
  • recognizing structure appropriate for the intended audience
  • suggesting deletions, additions, or rearrangements (e.g., gaps in content, missing steps, or unclear transitions)
  • reorganizing material into an appropriate structure and sequence
  • recognizing when material would be better presented in another form (e.g., number-laden text as a table or chart, descriptive material as a diagram or illustration, or a long series of points as a list)


  • formatting according to a particular style
  • using fonts, font sizes, and typefaces consistently
  • setting-up margins, etc.

3. Can you check the citations and references?

Yes. The sources should be acknowledged in a form appropriate to the publication. Essential information includes: date of issue, volume and number, publisher's name and city.

4. Can you fix just the tables and figures?

Yes. The rows and columns and overall presentation of data can be adjusted to ensure that tables, figures, graphs and pictures appear in the correct position and fit the given space.

5. What does it cost for the editing?

Fees are estimated from the total word count. Approx. $40 per 1,000 words. For examples, see the Fees page.

6. How long does it take for the editing?

For most papers, the turn-around time is within 48 hours. Longer reports or theses will take several days.

7. What's the best way to have a large document edited?

Usually in sections (a few chapters at a time). Feel free to send a sample.

8. How do I pay for the service?

Payments are made in advance. For large projects, partial payments by installment are recommended. Online methods, like PayPal, are preferred. Credit cards are processed by PayPal. Email transfer or direct bank deposit is also acceptable.

9. How should I send the document?

The preferred method is by e-mail attachment.

10. Can I see the editing changes?

Yes. The MS-Word Revision Tool can be used to show all the changes. See the Track Changes and Highlighting web page.

11. Can I receive comments about my writing style?

Yes. Along with the edited paper, comments are usually included to explain important changes, offer writing tips, or point out things that need to be clarified.

12. Can I have a document edited on an urgent basis?

Yes. A rush editing service is available. An extra fee will be applied, depending on the degree of urgency.